Carver Elementary is so excited to announce that beginning the 2024-2025 years, we will be using a sorting system similar to Harvard and Rice Universities (they use “Houses” we will call them Constellation Crews.) Staff will be sorted randomly into five different Constellation Crews and their homeroom students will be sorted following that.
We are pleased to announce the Five Carver Constellation Crews!
- Orange - Orion - Warriors - Respect
- Yellow - Leo - Lions - Responsibility
- Red - Aquila - Eagle - Courage
- Blue - Taurus - Bull - Kindness
- Green - Ursa Major - Bears - Gratitude
What is a Constellation Crew?
Each crew will form a community that will be their school family. We will be establishing a school culture that will encourage school pride and tradition. With its central goal of forging a link between learning and living, the Constellation Crew system cultivates an assortment of learning opportunities, competitions, and traditions.
What is our purpose in creating Constellation Crews?
Our aim is to create leadership opportunities, smaller communities within a larger group, and opportunities for students to have a consistent group of friends across grade levels. In effect, each Constellation Crew forms a small academic and social community within the larger context of the G. W. Carver community.